GC Blockchain Codefest


By entering the GC Blockchain Codefest, participants agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the organizers. The GC Blockchain Codefest is open to everyone, including the federal, provincial/territorial public service as well as students and teachers from universities and colleges in Canada.

Registration will open on March 29, 2018. The maximum number of participants to the Blockchain event in Ottawa is limited to 15 participants, however remote participation in other cities, such as Montreal, Toronto or St. John’s or Calgary is unlimited.


The best way to submit your work is through Github. You can request a new repository to @Gabriel Cossette on Slack.

By the end of the codefest, Teams should:

  1. Ensure their GitHub repository is up-to-date. You can use a README file, Github pages or your own hosting
  2. Share your status by submitting three tweets using the hashtag - #GCBlockchainDay and providing the following information
    • First tweet: Provide your team name, city name and the status of Done
    • Second tweet: Give a brief description of your submission
    • Third tweet: Provide a YouTube url of a brief video that is no more than 5 minutes long profiling both your submission and your team

Following these steps will help anyone to upvote your submission by retweeting your team name


This event does not have a cash prize and the primary focus is furthering the collaboration and communication channels between the GC, academia, industry and the general public as the GC works to become more informed of the policy and service impacts associated with blockchain technology.

Terms and Conditions

Participants agree that any and all software code that they create or develop for and at this event (“the Work”) is to be made available and licensed to Her Majesty under the terms of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) License.

Warranty Disclaimer

The participants accept the software used at this event “as is” and without warrantee of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement of copyright or patents


The participants represent and warrant that they will have the necessary rights in and to the Work to grant Her Majesty the License detailed in this Agreement.

Indemnification to Her Majesty

The participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless at their own cost, Her Majesty, and Her Majesty’s employees and agents from and against all claims, demands, losses, penalties, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable solicitor and own-client costs and expert witness costs) arising out of any action, suit or other proceeding, whether groundless or otherwise, (of any kind, including contract, tort, or otherwise) brought by a third party against Her Majesty, or Her Majesty’s employees or agents, which is in any manner based upon, arising out of, related to, or attributable to the use, distribution or reproduction of the Work by Her Majesty.

No Liability for Her Majesty

The participants agree that in no event shall Her Majesty, its employees and agents be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential, or other liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the use, distribution, reproduction, or licencing of the Work.

More information

How it works

Dates, Teams, Submissions, Locations, Registration...


By entering the GC Blockchain Codefest, participants agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the organizers.


The primary codefest will occur in Ottawa for GC employees during the week of April 16th and confirmed satellite codefest locations will occur in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, St. John’s, Seattle, Johannesburg, and Ghana.


Teams will select one theme from a provided list of public sector use cases. Teams may contact TBS and propose an alternative public sector use case.

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