GC Blockchain Codefest

Business Opportunity

The RCMP is ramping up its recruiting campaign to support the police member attrition rates across the country. A supporting critical service to this pressure and many others beyond just the recruiting pressures, is the Personnel Security Clearance (PERSEC) program and its services to conduct background checks and verify history. The PERSEC program in the RCMP is undergoing a review to be able to meet the emerging RCMP priorities and pressures, to begin the transformation toward automated and efficient operating practices. To achieve this it is working with the IM/IT Program to better address its information needs, its processes, and use of technology. The clearance process is complex and has multiple touch points across multiple roles and departments. Parts remain heavily manual in nature. As part of the modernization project plan under development, blockchain presents as an opportunity to optimize on efficiencies needed with the new application to be developed with the new database.

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How it works

Dates, Teams, Submissions, Locations, Registration...


By entering the GC Blockchain Codefest, participants agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the organizers.


The primary codefest will occur in Ottawa for GC employees during the week of April 16th and confirmed satellite codefest locations will occur in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, St. John’s, Seattle, Johannesburg, and Ghana.


Teams will select one theme from a provided list of public sector use cases. Teams may contact TBS and propose an alternative public sector use case.

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