GC Blockchain Codefest


GCentities is a proposed project to share a central database of information on all Government of Canada entities (all departments, agencies, and crown corporations from 1867 to the present) between GC departments and with the public (on an Open Government portal). Motivation: currently, many GC entities spend FTE resources maintaining their own databases for their specific mandate activities, but in almost all cases the basic information could be created and updated from a single central source (such as PCO or TBS) and distributed to the departments. Issues to resolve are the appropriate platform, interface, editing permissions, and security levels (since some departments may use the database for classified/protected activities).

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How it works

Dates, Teams, Submissions, Locations, Registration...


By entering the GC Blockchain Codefest, participants agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the organizers.


The primary codefest will occur in Ottawa for GC employees during the week of April 16th and confirmed satellite codefest locations will occur in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, St. John’s, Seattle, Johannesburg, and Ghana.


Teams will select one theme from a provided list of public sector use cases. Teams may contact TBS and propose an alternative public sector use case.

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