GC Blockchain Codefest

Cryptocurrencies as enablers of Large Scale Criminal Activities

POC: Eric Bisaillon, Technical Operations, RCMP

High level description

Use Machine Learning to study patterns publicly visible in bitcoin, monero, and other crypto-currency block chains to identify indicators of large-scale fraud, cyber ransomware attacks or other indicators of use for public safety, safety response or other public policy implementations.

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How it works

Dates, Teams, Submissions, Locations, Registration...


By entering the GC Blockchain Codefest, participants agree to abide by the rules and decisions of the organizers.


The primary codefest will occur in Ottawa for GC employees during the week of April 16th and confirmed satellite codefest locations will occur in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, St. John’s, Seattle, Johannesburg, and Ghana.


Teams will select one theme from a provided list of public sector use cases. Teams may contact TBS and propose an alternative public sector use case.

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