Festicode Blockchain GC

Talent and Skills Recognition

PDF Document

Making The Invisible Visible

I am more than a job description

As Canada’s Federal Public Service (PS) adapts to the rise of the gig economy and project-based work as a new reality, it requires a shift in how it recognizes talent.

Project-based work will have a transformative effect on the way we work, how we’re organized, how we communicate and ultimately, what it means to work and build connections with multiple employers and teams of people.

How we record, connect and validate our skills, learning experiences and reputation to these ever-revolving networks will be essential to skill discovery, job mobility, social capital and well-being.

As people move between jobs and through life, it should be easier for them to tell a more complete story of what they are capable of, showcase the contributions that they are most proud of and be discovered for meaningful opportunities.

The Problem

How can we be an agile workforce if we can’t see what people are capable of?

Discoverability of talent and skill recognition is the backbone of any workforce, yet:

The Goal

Making the invisible visible

Success at work often relies upon evidence demonstrating what we can do and how we build our reputation as workers, learners, and members of the communities that matter most to us. Yet, we do very little to record this valuable data in a dynamic way.

GC Talent Cloud envisions an open and connected talent recognition ecosystem where individuals are the custodians of their data; curating a real-time record of the evidence of work they have done, the path they took to get there and the people they encountered along the way that have witnessed it in practice. This transaction adds accountability, authenticity and integrity to the data that is currently missing - while supporting a “validate once” approach.

Creating a real-time trusted record of achievements allows individuals  to establish their professional identity and agency, within institutions and across communities - amplifying their potential in the broadest possible way. For organizations it gives a heat map of people with trusted skills available to contribute to specific projects.

How we harness the potential of Open Badges 2.0, Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity, Blockcerts, Educational Occupational Verifiable Credentials, the VON network and others is up to us.

Will You Be Part Of Building It?

Plus d'information

Comment ça fonctionne

Dates, équipes, soumissions, endroits, enregistrement...


En participant au Festicode Blockchain GC, les participants acceptent de respecter les règles et les décisions des organisateurs.


Le Festicode principal se déroulera à Ottawa pour les employés du GC au cours de la semaine du 16 avril et des emplacements confirmés pour le code par satellite auront lieu à Calgary, Montréal, Toronto, St. John's, Seattle, Johannesburg et au Ghana.


Les équipes sélectionneront un thème parmi une liste fournie de cas d'utilisation du secteur public. Les équipes peuvent contacter le SCT et proposer un autre cas d'utilisation du secteur public.

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